"My grace is sufficient for thee." - 2 Cor 12:9

Vigilant 40 Fast Patrol Boat

The Vigilant 40 Fast Patrol Craft is our latest design of high speed vessel, capable of achieving 46 knots with Twin 350hp Mercury Outboard Motors. The modified V-hull design allows the boat to be stable at rest and be comfortable and safe when riding at top speed in the rough water. The boat is designed with specially formulated Supreme Lightweight Foam Fender. The foam fenders are closed cell and coated with PU Skin to ensure it is strong and light. The boat is fully equipped with Z-suspension saddles seats to transport 2 crews and 10 passengers.

The Vigilant 40 Fast Patrol Craft is our latest design of high speed vessel, capable of achieving 46 knots with Twin 350hp Mercury Outboard Motors. The modified V-hull design allows the boat to be stable at rest and be comfortable and safe when riding at top speed in the rough water. The boat is designed with specially formulated Supreme Lightweight Foam Fender. The foam fenders are closed cell and coated with PU Skin to ensure it is strong and light. The boat is fully equipped withZ-suspension saddles seats to transport 2 crews and 10 passengers.


Item Details
Hull Lenoth 12.0m (40ft)
Beam 3.380m
Power Ranoe Twin MERCURY 350HP 4-stroke Petrol Outboard Motors
Fuel Tank Capacity Built-in 1OOOlitre Fuel Tank
Material Marine Grade Aluminium Allov 15083H321)
Hull bottom thickness 6mm
Hull side thickness 5mm
Passenaer Caoacitv 2 Crews + 10 Passenaer
Top Speed Appox 46 knots (Full Loaded)